DPNCheck can improve the effectiveness of neuropathy detection programs and is ideal for:
The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in the general population is 10% and in patients over 65 it increases up to 30%1. Over 50% of patients with diabetes will develop neuropathy2. The rate of diagnosed neuropathy is often much lower than the prevalence rate resulting in unidentified risk.
DPNCheck has been clinically validated in numerous peer-reviewed journal publications and clinical conference presentations. Click here to view the complete list.
1. Hicks, C.W., Wang, D., Windham, B.G. et al. Prevalence of peripheral neuropathy defined by monofilament insensitivity in middle-aged and older adults in two US cohorts. Sci Rep; 11, 19159, (2021)
2. Pop-Busui R, Boulton AJ, Feldman EL, et al. Diabetic neuropathy: a position statement by the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(1):136–154
3. Perkins, et al. Simple Screening tests for Peripheral Neuropathy in the Diabetes Clinic. Diabetes Care. 24: 250-256, 2001.